Church and Finance Webinar with Dr. Glenn Miller

Church and Finance Webinar with Dr. Glenn Miller

Many pastors spend years preparing sermons, providing pastoral care for the members of their congregations, and organizing their church for worship, discipleship, and outreach. Fewer are able to spend as much time learning good financial management skills and guiding in best practices for the local church. Yet, pastors are often given general or specific responsibilities for oversight of expenditures, budgets, and accounting in these areas.

Recognizing the breadth of these types of responsibilities given to pastoral leaders, Glenn Miller and his co-authors have written Pastoral Helmsmanship. With over a century of combined administrative experience, a commitment to God’s Word, and an uncompromising conviction of God’s love for the church, the content of this book provides a pathway for faithfully stewarding the resources the local church has been given.

NTS Praxis offered a 6-week webinar with Dr. Glenn Miller. We hope that local church pastors, their church treasurers, and others charged with oversight these resources will come together to learn best practices for managing these resources for effective ministry.

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Church and Finance Webinar with Dr. Glenn Miller
  • Session 1 - Church & Finance Webinar with Dr. Glenn Miller

    Many pastors spend years preparing sermons, providing pastoral care for the members of their congregations, and organizing their church for worship, discipleship, and outreach. Fewer are able to spend as much time learning good financial management skills and guiding in best practices for the loc...

  • Session 2 - Church and Finance Webinar with Glenn Miller

    Many pastors spend years preparing sermons, providing pastoral care for the members of their congregations, and organizing their church for worship, discipleship, and outreach. Fewer are able to spend as much time learning good financial management skills and guiding in best practices for the loc...

  • Session 3 - Church & Finance Webinar with Dr. Glenn Miller

    Many pastors spend years preparing sermons, providing pastoral care for the members of their congregations, and organizing their church for worship, discipleship, and outreach. Fewer are able to spend as much time learning good financial management skills and guiding in best practices for the loc...

  • Sesssion 4 - Church & Finance Webinar with Dr. Glenn Miller

    Many pastors spend years preparing sermons, providing pastoral care for the members of their congregations, and organizing their church for worship, discipleship, and outreach. Fewer are able to spend as much time learning good financial management skills and guiding in best practices for the loc...

  • Session 5 - Church & Finance Webinar with Dr. Glenn Miller

    Many pastors spend years preparing sermons, providing pastoral care for the members of their congregations, and organizing their church for worship, discipleship, and outreach. Fewer are able to spend as much time learning good financial management skills and guiding in best practices for the loc...

  • Session 6 - Church & Finance with Dr. Glenn Miller

    Many pastors spend years preparing sermons, providing pastoral care for the members of their congregations, and organizing their church for worship, discipleship, and outreach. Fewer are able to spend as much time learning good financial management skills and guiding in best practices for the loc...